Feeling the need for a mind-altering change of pace around here at Blazer Central, the time seemed right for raiding my big, shiny collection of Blazer photo albums - for to be picking out a few dozen Blazer pictures - for to be making a big Blazer blog entry - about the Blazers.
After only one photo album of skimming and plucking, I was quickly approaching picture overload. There was no need to make this exhibit a three hour tour, so I stopped at the hefty batch I'd already collected and threw them all down on the scanner hither/dither and let the scanning begin. The short video (below) is the result of all this madness.

With more than two dozen photo albums left unexplored on the shelf, this slideshow break in our regular meal of super 8 movies could easily become a twice monthly alternative for the next 4 years. Not that it really matters. Nobody's actually tuning in to see any of this blog nonsense anyway. Blazers Schmazers, they'd probably say. Oh well, at least Bartholomew's out there watching. Gotta keep my one viewer happy.
I had already uploaded this little projector show earlier in the week but I didn't care much for the music in the background. So now I've gone back and redone the whole assignment from scratch and I'll be hoping for a better mark from the instructor this time round.