Perhaps it's time we finally gave the little runt (Big Al) a blog entry of his very own. Right here, right now. A short acknowledgment (while we wait for more films to be processed) to concede that yes - just as with Wonderful Wanda and the neighbor with the missing arm - our block was a tiny fraction of a measurement more interesting than it would have been without Big Al being a part of it.

And altho we don't see the little scamp much anymore (if ever) and he has yet to watch even ONE of these old NRP films in which he appears, we know that sooner or later he will show up again, probably when we least expect it; and probably right back on the sidewalks of our old neighborhood. Probably peddling that stupid bicycle of his with the colorful streamers poking out the handle grips.
Until then, we'll simply stop for a brief moment in our hectic day, to salute the nosey little intruder with the impish smirk. "Sa-lute!" we shout. As if this blog was more like an episode of "Hee Haw" than the respectable home showpage for all things Block Blazerish.

NEWS UPDATE: A new viewer to this No Relevant Point website accidentally stumbled upon our posting about Big Al and felt the need to assist us by supplying us with what appears to be an officially updated photograph of the one time pre-teen Blazer-in-training. A full THIRTY YEARS after his image was last captured on super 8 film.

The picture attached at this juncture then, is none other than THEE little squirt himself 'BIGish ALish'; as he would appear today if spotted out riding his bicycle on the street - assuming he would ever come back and do such an odd thing.