I always expect to find the unexpected when compiling these short video chapters from my long forgotten youth of the 1970s. I'm always hoping to find a tiny snippet or two that will provide visual proof of something I've completely forgotten about; completely lost the memory cells for. A discovery of that unscripted style HAS actually happened on previous occasions with these blog film reels, but unfortunately it didn't happen anywhere in the selection we have on our plate today.

The scenes here with Sandy and me strolling around the downtown core, were shot in 1984 with the full intention of being mailed across the pond to Jonny in England as some sorta documentary gift. If anything has surprised me during today's video, it's the discovery that these city scenes are still in my possession and that they never managed to make the trip to Cornwall as was planned. I can only hope that a promise to the man was never made in the first place; telling him that they were coming when they obviously never would be.
It's always nice to flash back and see the cosy old neighborhood in its heyday, or the niece and nephew as little kids again or my Blazer buddies enjoying the prime of their lives with, as yet, no knowledge of the brick wall they would soon be running into at full speed in the not too distant future.