No, not a 'George' Fest. This is a slightly altered version of the same long(ish) video that is sitting up there (at this very minute) on my fancy pants Facebook page. With the compilation of 70s scenes below, I've dun created a massive 'gorge fest' of super 8 film for the viewer, rather than the usual 2-minute quickie versions we've all grown so weary of.
One entire 400 foot reel of 'precious moments' from the golden days has been raided for this showing; choosing only the most promising bits - even if they've already been seen on this bloggerama stage at an earlier date. However, our usual system for scene selection; which has always been referred to around here as the "whatever fits" approach, will still be employed when any film clips are making their blog screen debut.

So while you might get the feeling that today's film seems to go on and on forever with nothing but previously seen images, it's simply not true I tells ya. What we have here is a 'checklist card'. Like the ones you'd often find inbetween the flattened wedge of gum and your favorite baseball cards of the 60s (or in my case, The Man From UNCLE). There's new stuff in this video, but you can't blink or you'll miss it.
This then is the boring card that adds nothing to your collection except to list the cards you might still need, or want, or already own. If you watch the presentation with that throwaway checklist mindset, you'll probably get a better deal out of sitting thru this (or most of this) a second time.