Must put up more photos soon. Must clear out more of the old pix that have been hanging around here for ages eagerly awaiting their own special blog moment on the NRP website.

These 'pix-only' postings (as this one be) are always an easy upload/assignment for me. Just pick out and drop in. In fact there's no need for anyone to add text at this point really; it's just another slide show people. No in-depth explanation is required.
The vast majority of these non-moving scenes were captured (when else?) during the 70s and 80s. Perhaps a label is needed for the later years of the 70s. Something to signify the "post Evert" years. Because sometime after 1974, Evert just didn't wanna know, he didn't. Stayed far away, he did. Turned his back on Blazerville and never returned. So you certainly won't find his mug popping up anywhere in this collection of mugs if you were thinking of looking for it.
Taking that thought a step further, I'm not sure if Blazerville would have evolved any differently had Evert's participation in it not come to an undefined end back in the mid-70s. If he'd stuck around longer; maybe got a job at Safeway; would he still be a part of our lives today? Rather than the missing link in the Blazer reunions that he is? I think a full discussion on that topic would lead us down a long, multi branched path and should be saved for a future posting. We don't have time for that now.