It's possible that some of today's footage has already seen the light of blog at some point. Honestly, there's been so much old film added to the NRP blog over the past few years that we've long passed the point of remembering every little tidbit that's been uploaded. And I'd hate to think we missed anything just because we assumed in error that it had already been shown.

So this is a quick return to Gun Lake (I think). There were a total of SIX different trips up to this location by my super 8 cameras between the years 1977 and 1984 and I'm a'thinking that this first visit to the lake has not been given the blog treatment as of yet. And if some of it already has, oh well big deal. It's not as if someone is actually going to take the time to complain about it. And what would they complain about anyway? A few movie clips might have been repeated on a blog during a 3 year time span? Nobody's gonna notice. Nobody's gonna care.