An urgent message was just received here at the NRP offices in Riffletown from Blogger Central - the very nice people that allow me (and people like me) to continue with the uploading of personal blog nonsense onto the internet for friends and family to see. Apparently, I've been so busy with a retrospective video for Melissa and her family, that I failed to notice how my blog was being neglected for an unprecedented length of time.

As they explained it to me, I now have just over 24 hours remaining in the month of November to upload any videos/photos/cartoons that might have been planned for uploading, in order to keep my consecutive streak of calendar months containing content... intact. If I choose not to add anything to the pages of No Relevant Point in the next day and a half, I will forever have a flaw in my sidebar archives. A month will be missing in the otherwise perfect sequence of previous post labels.
"Well, we can't live with that" is what I finally decided, and the nearest source material (a video from 1990) was plucked from storage and investigated for any interesting tidbits to be included in a short but official NRP blog posting. These moments from a Christmas visit to Al's place in the valley is what we dug up. It's nothing special, but it's better than having an empty hole in the monthly archives.