Rather than toss this next video out (or "delete it" as the modern kids of today would say) I'm going to hoist it up here on the blog for all to witness. Even though it's clearly far from see-worthy.

But as is the case with all these old super-8 films, the ultra rareness and 'one of a kind'ness that oozes from each frame of these long ago days of the 1970s or 80s is often enough by itself to garner at least a single viewing on this stage. Minimal effort was put into the editing and musical choice for this presentation (yet again). And as stated a'fore in a previous entry, it's merely a case of having something/anything uploaded to the blog in order to keep the monthly index chapters going (see index chapters to the right) that makes a submission like this possible in the first place. I suppose the question should be raised: what would become of our NRP blog if we decided that some of these old film segments did not meet the lowest acceptable level of quality before being added into the mix? I think it would obviously mean the end of the blog. Nuff said.