I suppose the following accomplishments could be filed under the heading: 'Too much time on our hands'. The constant urge to "create" (something/anything) and then give that creation nice artsy packaging (a daily burden for me) extends to the production of curious homemade musical efforts alongside like-minded cohorts.

This nonsense has been going on since high school. In fact, it all began with the fella in the photo above these words (left head) Jonny D; my old schoolmate and partner in the two-man band we called Ralph Inc. for no particular reason. That's HIS artistic design housing our album called "It's Not Me, It's Him" which was a collection of 'touristy' tracks we pumped out back in the 80's. Jon was visiting from England at the time and we both agreed later that the recording session at Riffle Studios and the resulting CD was the best souvenir of the entire vacation. But we were both just being kind.

However, nowadays Harry (cuz he lives so much closer to me) is usually the cohort that joins me on these song writing journeys. And on even more rare occasions, it'll be Steve, Jim, Rob, or Don in the cohort role instead. (Ultra rare for Don these days - what with him dying and all.) The end result of these experimental ditties are probably NOT ready for the AM or FM dial, but heck - they're perfectly fine for tossing into low hit blogs like this.

This random sample from our official CD back catalog should be enough to clear out any casual blog visitors who may have been most unfortunate to happen upon this corner of the internet. You're in the wrong blog at the wrong time, mate.
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