Some people are car people. They take the visual admiration of cars to a much higher level than the average citizen. I've never been the type to do that myself (cars are a necessary evil in my world) but I know a few friends who ARE car people. Bill and Harry quickly come to mind. Manic fans of the automobile they are. Between the two of them, they've probably owned close to a hundred different vehicles of some description or another - at some time or another. From Volvos to Epics; from Porsches to Mercedes; from Kharman Ghias to Blazer 4X4's.
Meanwhile, when I think back on my own personal history of cars (which total: six) the good memories always seem to start and finish with my 1970 Dudge Dart and my 1972 Triumph TR6. These are two cars that, if I spot either of them on the highway or in an old photograph, I can't help but see my former/younger self sitting at the wheel; heading for the beach. Especially with the deep blue TR6 roadster. (Which is actually what the 'TR' stands for... Triumph Roadster.)

Did I actually own any other cars? I'm sure I did, but they failed to leave any lasting impression on me. While the Hondas (3) and the Mazda may have provided fine service and few complaints, it's the Dudge & the TR6 - combining as they did with my formative years - that I'll remember best.
My niece Tracy snapped this picture while I was carefully applying the ever-so-cool red, white and blue British flag logo to the rear panel of the Triumph. The 1972 model of the TR6 did not actually come with these flag decorations - I think they started to appear on the 1974 edition - but my girlfriend at the time (Sandy) knew someone, that knew someone in the biz, and I was able to get my stickers free of charge.

Here's Sandy and I zipping along the Pacific Coast highway on a summer's day with the roof down just outside of Santa Barbara, California. I only wish she'd waited until there were a few palm trees in the background before taking the picture.

I remember both of these moments quite clearly. However, it's all the years inbetween then and now that seem a blur to me. I haven't owned that pretty blue sports car since the late 80s, but as I say, there's some kind of connection that never completely vanishes when a favorite car and its owner are separated.

Here's a recent photo of Bill with his Volvo 1800. Quite proud of the nasty thing he is, and quick to point out to any and all in earshot that this is the same vehicle that the character Simon Templar drove in the hit TV series 'The Saint'. Bill had to trek all the way down to California (he went Amtrack) to actually make the purchase after casually finding it listed for sale on the internet. I call it a 'nasty thing' because it almost sliced my finger off one day when I simply tried to shut the passenger door. (The metal trim was razor-blade sharp.)

My 'Dudge' car was so-named because of a slight alteration that was made to the large 'DODGE' sticker I had stuck onto the back window of the car in an impulse moment of new car pride. When I discovered that the top half of the letter 'O' was now directly blocking my rear view mirror scan of the traffic behind me, I trimmed that sucker down. And by slicing off that small portion of the letter, it gave birth to the world's first and (as far as I know) only DUDGE Dart.
Certainly great days in the Dudge when we'd crank up the old 8-track and listen to the "Six Wives of Henry VIII" on our way to Dairy Queen for drinks and a side of flies.
Tell Bill that that car has always had a special place in my heart even thouigh, like you, I am no car person. I clearly remember the Saint tooling around in it. How about a side view.
Over and out.
You've got a good memory Mr. Under. I'd almost forgotten about that instrumental album of Rick Wakeman's. You're right; we DID play it often while out n'about. I'd almost forgotten about the stupid 8-track player too. No CD or MP3 in them days.
ahhh..but what about Roger Daltrey's solo album/8-track. I remember that being played over, and over, and over etc. on the way to camping in Maning Park. Also, cruising down Granville St. before it was turned into a "pedestrian" mall...
You speak the truth, Doug. 'Daltrey' was one of my five or six 8-track tapes that got played a lot in the old Dudge Dart during the mid 70s. Funny, but I've never heard ANY of those songs since then. I should actually try to find it on CD someday... more than thirty years later. I love reliving the past.
I don't think I've heard "I'm a One Man Band" since then...although I have downloaded 'Six Wives of Henry VIII" onto my MP3 player...talk about clash of cultures..
My my the Billy is a charming character. I do believe he has moved on from the Volvo P1800ES, the saint only had the P1800 coupe. Billy's next cars following that are:
1968 El Camino, a 1973 Triumph Stag (still in the garage) and a 1958 MG Magnette (in front of the garage).
In recent years, Billy has bought himself a car from the '50s, the '60s and the '70s. Not so keen on the modern car is our Bill. My jaw will only truly drop when he adds a car from the 1940s to his garage collection.
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