Once again, it's time for another edition of Snapshot Sunday (or did we end up calling it 'Sunday Scenes' I forget); the day each week when we open up the sealed wooden barrel down in the storage room and dust off another photograph or two from the far distant past for uploading to a world wide audience. (One of these days, I'll try uploading a few from the far distant future.)
Since we've missed the last three weeks (I was busy remastering the CD release of the 20th Anniversary Postal Rock Opera with bonus tracks, rare photos and full libretto) we'll have to make up for the lost time by including THREE scenes today.

This first offering finds two of 'the gang' relaxing in the backyard of Paul's home on a summer's eve with the family dog. (Name of dog unknown.) A barbeque was the main focus of this obviously well dressed event, and before the horde of dinner guests had arrived, I managed to capture Don & Doug in the style and fashion of the 70's period in which they were so painfully stuck.

Engine envy. Yes, in hindsight perhaps I should have stood on the other side of this neighborhood scrum to get the people's faces, but hey, I'm actually surprised I bothered to snap this picture at all. From left to right, that's my sister Fran, and then the backsides of Jack, Emil, and Doug (Jack's boy). The lower leg of Mike (Fran's husband) sticks out of the car door. The inner workings of cars never interested me much, but it was obviously candy to the neighbors. Trivia note: the gas cap on the car in front, does not match the same green color of the rest of the body. Only Barthlomew Woods knows the reason why that is.

And finally, a picture of two future blog authors, Bartholomew and myself, promoting the services of the world famous International Janitors Supplies Limited - complete maintenance supplies and equipment - or at least promoting the perfect lettering job on the side of the van. Let's all chuckle at the dark, black socks BW is wearing with his shorts (a no-no in his books today). Meanwhile, I was still strolling around with hippy hair from the 60's, and would continue to do so far into the 70s. By the level of this photo, I can only assume that the cameraman was BW's sister Leigh. Not so much a cameraman, as a little cameragirl.
By the way, don't forget that today (9/9) is Angela Cartwright's birthday! Put on an episode of Lost In Space to celebrate.
Excuse my ignorance. Who the heck is Emil? He's not listed in my program.
Regarding the gas cap. It's not my fault! I was forced into my life of crime. Peer pressure. But it was a heck of a run while it lasted.
Emil was the neighbour whose house was situated smack inbetween Dan & Rob's. It was demolished many years ago, but we used to joke back in the 70s that the entire structure was carved out of a giant tree stump. Walls, doorways, stairs and even the furniture - all carved out of a solid block of wood.
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