Work, work, work. Then overtime. That's the world as I see it lately and it ain't a pretty sight. I'm starting to feel like the father character in this particular cartoon panel - at least with his obvious cartoon state of mind. While Jack (above/yelling) may be upset about his misplaced car keys, I'm working on trying to find the last few weeks of my life. Days and weeks have vanished in a blur of too much work and not enough free time.

Thwarted and annoyed am I. Recent attempts to live the serene, peaceful life have been foiled due to a seemingly endless work schedule. There's barely enough time left in the day to rest up for the next day of work - let alone trying to fit another pointless blog entry into the mix. (And pointless blog entries are my thang.) The only hope I have is that the same satisfying sense of closure Jack discovers at the end of his comic strip (below/in English/click to enlarge) will be waiting for me when MY current 'lost keys' moment passes into history.
If we enjoyed our jobs they wouldn't call it WORK!
Gotta go. I have to work overtime today. See ya!
Sprry to hear your bad luck. Lost car keys replaced by these guys http://www.theautolocksmith.co.uk
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