Steve replaced our original guitar player Don J. (who unfortunately no longer walks the planet) more than 10 years ago and has done a swell job on each of the unfinished assignments I have passed over to him.
For that is the wacky way we do things around here at Riffle Studios.
No actual 'jamming' or 'playing together at the same time' ever takes place. Each player's contribution to a song is recorded as a solo effort on a separate track of the digital recorder and then seamlessly applied overtop of all the other's previous work; sometimes weeks or months apart. I have a number of unfinished songs that have been in construction for years using this system. Harry and Steve may have worked together on a dozen or more of my simplistic offerings, but they haven't actually met each other in person to say hello more than once.
The sample clip (above) is a song at 'level three' of construction. It would eventually reach 'level eight'. I began by adding my synthesizer inventions to a simple drum track (that's two levels). The call was then sent out by Bat Spotlight for Steve to attend at his earliest convenience to add the strumming flavor that we hear at this point. The finished production, with lyrics and vocals, is currently on Youtube as the soundtrack to a video about the Richmond Post Office.
CLICK HERE for video

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