I'll have to plead ignorant on the question of exactly how long the Blazer boys stayed in Vernon on this 1974 impulsive vacation of theirs. Was it a full week? Just a few days? Since DAN was already living in Vernon for the summer (working at a bottling plant) the original plan was to have DON, BARTHOLOMEW and myself tootle up to visit him. But he surprised us all by driving down to Vancouver just a few days before we were to head out; apparently convinced we'd lose our way and end up in Phoenix or something.

This second segment of video will show the viewer exactly what we got up to while poor DAN was working his 8-hour shift in the bottle factory. A pancake breakfast, a swim in the local lake and then dinner in Hope. Including a stop at 'Jackass Lookout' for photo taking. DON'S injury from the previous day prevented him from taking part in any of the water sports seen here, and he would sleep most of the long drive home in the back seat of the car. But even with this (what HAD to be painful) misfortune thrust upon him, I'm sure DON can look back nowadays (34 years later) on the Vernon adventure with a warm nostalgic glow and a wishful sense of 'do it againness'. It's my blog, I can make up words.
My clearest memory of "Don's Battle at Wounded Knee"
It was funny then and still funny today!
I'm pretty sure DON didn't find it funny back then. Neither did I actually, because it wiped out the second half of our summer vacation.
Plus, I've been saddled since birth with this thing called 'empathy' which kicked in mighty soon after the injury. I'm sure he still has the scars. Nuttin' funny about scars.
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