Before we start to believe that absolutely no super 8 footage was ever shot back in the 70s that DID NOT take place within the confines of our cozy little neighbourhood, I've hastily selected a few scraps here from a recent DVD transfer which prove that - on occasion - there were images in the background OTHER THAN those of wonderful Blazerville. Rare these times may have been, but filming stories in the outside world would now and then demand that my homemade productions venture out onto foreign soil.

To the right is a once familiar face (photo supplied) that has gone missing over the past 3 decades. That's Chris M. holding a camera and getting his big noggin in the way of yet another of my ultra boring 'sun shots'. Don will recall that I used to include a sun shot (or two or three) in every movie I made. Who knows where Chris is today. Or the Sun for that matter. As with most of the people and places in these videos, the winds of change have blown them all off camera stage left.
So, what we have on display here then, is discarded scenes from at least 3 or 4 otherwise fully finished productions. Out takes - film footage shot 'out of' the general vicinity of of our home turf.
Well... most of it was anyway.
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