I could'a sworn that each and every one of these short film clips on today's video (below) had already made their appearance within this blog theatre at some earlier point in the proceedings. But when I took a quick look back thru the postings leading up to this present one, I found their previous appearances NOT!
Being the 'completist collector' that I am (is that even a real term?) I couldn't allow the possibility of these old filmed memories living an unscreened life, so I've slapped them all together here under one umbrella just to be done with them.

There's at least one 'pause and reflect' moment in this video that I'd like you to take notice of. It occurs when two separate scenes (both featuring Bartholomew Woods) combine that are probably, in reality, separated by a good 10 years but when connected here, they condense down into the space of seconds. In the first scene, Bart looks over his shoulder (at what... his fleeting youth?) and in the next, his head is turning back to face us - but he's a full 10 years younger.
Such is the magic of motion pictures and splicing tape. Meanwhile, 'Big Al' fans will be disappointed to learn that the little ragamuffin is not included in today's presentation. However his brother Randy and sister Iris are both on board to take his place, and that should be good enough for most.

Also, in the short bit with Doug, Laine and Iris, I KNOW there was more footage shot that day with these people, but somehow it has gone missing over the years. It saddens me muchly to think that a chunk of block history may be lost forever. We certainly can't reshoot it now. I can only hope that another Woodward's bag full of discarded super 8 film will be found in the storage room when I next make a search down there.
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