As role models for the rest of the 'Blazer kids' back in the golden 1960s and 70s, it was crucial that some form of visual documentation of these two titans - in their prime - survive to the present day. Thankfully, in the short film we're about to see, we can rest assured in the knowledge that that documentation has been secured.
As far as we know, there is no other film footage of them together, posing before the camera like this. Even a still photograph from that era is hard to find. They may have spent a lot of time in each other's company 40 years ago, but there's precious little evidence to prove it. So the call goes out to all former Blazers across the planet: we need more Evert/Don pix! If any can be found, they should be forwarded to this internet address pronto.

'Big Al' makes a rare wintertime appearance, Doug and I go sailing, Danny plays basketball, and there's a few scenes off the cutting room floor from 'the epics' to round out this latest mini collection.
A wonderful little snapshot of our street.
Only six of the 7 Block Blazers are featured in this video.
(unless that's Rob in the cream-coloured Pinto?)
That's Rob in the cream-coloured Pinto. Driving his dad up Little Mountain for some 'father/son' lawn bowling action, I would reckon.
A warm, summer's evening (see all the bugs flying around Jack) down on the block.
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