One of the (many) mistakes we made during the filming of this dramatic photoplay, was when we decided to 'lose' one of our best props before the movie was even 3 minutes old. I'm referring to the brown, touristy suitcase Don started off with. In retrospect, the main character should have been kept 'whole' from start to finish in this story. When the suitcase was eliminated (after hitchhiking in the yellow sports car) we lost what could have been the best ongoing visual element of humour. Don should have been required to drag that thing around with him everywhere he went.
If only we'd thought to have Paul (the sports car driver) toss the tattered suitcase back out onto the road behind him as he sped off in that final scene (from part one). He didn't really want it anyway; he wasn't a thief. Having the suitcase available for Don's frantic chase scenes in the film's second half, would have raised the laugh level of this movie from a paltry two stars to SIX!

In this second of five installments, we follow our hero again as he continues in his quest to reunite with Esther. It's unclear to us at this point exactly how long they've been apart, but we're starting to get the hint that Esther ain't fondly remembered by the simple folks in this dusty town. Part two today features a totally convincing fight scene with Dan (wearing my sister's old red kimono) during which, unfortunately, we lose yet another good comedy prop that should have been kept in - Don's squaresville smoking jacket. Thankfully, Dan's red kimono will make another guest appearance later on.
1 comment:
Who was the Stunt Coordinator for the cool fight scene?
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