However, at some point, I regained possession of the films when, for some reason, he posted them back to me. Or more probably, he packed them into a suitcase and escorted them back in person when he returned for a second visit in 1988. (Had I asked him to do so?) Upon reviewing the footage, I quickly noticed that substantial alterations had been made to my original presentation; a major editing job which Jon was certainly free to make; since I'd passed full ownership over to him.

So here, in this THIRD and final collection of scenes featuring the 1979 visit of Jon and wife Maureen, we gather those random forgotten scenes that now serve to complete the full story of their journey. Except for one. Sadly, a personal favorite scene of mine remains unattached. Jon is well aware of the scene I speak of. The ever so graceful "Seabus Ferry cockpit scene". Apparently, this scene is now lost like a needle in a haystack somewhere in Jon's attic. Imprisoned within one of his own homemade movie reels after having cut it (and only it) adrift from its original reel for some as yet unanswerable reason. My sorrow knows no bounds.
1 comment:
A & W, McDonald's, Dairy Queen.
Did Jon and Maureen come for a visit or just to eat?
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