We gathered up our best bats and gloves and picnic chairs and hit the road in the summer of 1984 - bound for the sprawling city of Duncan (on Vancouver Island) to participate in a big weekend softball tournament. Dunno why really. Maybe after 5 years, we'd tired of always playing on the same fields in the lower mainland. The change of scenery (and the 8AM game times) appealed to our sense of adventure. Naturally I dragged along my video camera equipment to record it all.

Rather than subject the 2 or 3 viewers that arrive here at NRP to the entire 4 hour video production that this event became, I've managed to trim things down to a more manageable three minutes of wasted screen time. As a consequence however, gone are the scenes of Iris juggling in the middle of the road; Doug complaining about the summer heat; and Laine arguing with an employee at a fast food take out window. Obtain the 'director's cut' DVD for all that sorta stuff. This here's just the heavily edited blog version.
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