Somewhere in my vast collection of VHS tapes, is the original footage of this particular touch football game from the early 1980s (which features three of the Blazer Boys in action) but exactly where that priceless VHS tape can be found is still up for debate. What we've uploaded here today for our viewers is either a second or maybe even a third generation copy of our day of exercise at Hillcrest Park.

At this stage in their careers, the Blazer Boys are far from being in their prime, but even so, the film still manages to capture a few highlight reel moments - including a nifty catch in double coverage by Blazer Don and then a 50-yard pass and run play by Bart and Ed to win the game.
Unfortunately, this was not filmed at Blazer Stadium in the late 60s. And other than Blazer wannabe Randolfo Hezikiya, I can recognize no other faces on either of these two teams hoofing it around the playing field. Rather than fill me with nostalgia, these clips just confuse me. Exactly when did all this happen? Why? Who are all those 'other guys' and where are they today? And most importantly, how did I manage to catch a long-bomb... and film myself doing so at the same time??
Yes, that is Tyler! I would say it's 1984...I think?
Don't recognize most of the other players. I suspect they are Randy's buddies.
Certainly a moment that has been erased from my memory bank - who are those guys?
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