I remember how frustrating it was trying to match the visual images I was shooting - with the soundtrack lyrics of the song being played on a cassette deck sitting next to me. If the lyrics called for some 'old folks putting their ears to the ground' - then I'd have to go out and dig up the goods.

Well no, I take that back. It was never truly satisfying, even from the very beginning. Much too awkward a setup. Gave me a headache. Short shelf life. I much prefer the modern tools of the new millennium. And while I've used modern tools to tweak this original presentation a bit, it remains what it originally was - a clunky slice of my life in Vancouver/mid 80s. As it was intended to be on the day I sent it over to Jonny 26 years ago.
Why is it that I never got to ride in your cool TR6?
Not even once? I'm surprised. You were certainly in the old DUDGE plenty enough.
You even drove the Dudge a few times as I recall.
Dudge years: 1972-1982.
TR6 years: 1982-1988.
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