And now, a poor excuse for a rock music video. A practice punt. A first attempt. Which may or may not lead to a more polished redo at a future date - depending on the progress of our other 'cooler' songs currently on the drawing board.
In amongst the hustle and bustle of a major west coast city, we were supposed to witness Harry dodging the crowds and the traffic while at the same time managing to provide a seamless lip-sync to the popular teen track of the day: "Stuck In The Real World". That's what the plans originally called for.

But apparently, Harry don't wanna play that game, he don't. Harry has seemed unusually shy and standoffish about doing this project from the beginning. In fact, he hasn't been his normal 'I'll do anything for a laugh" self for quite a while now. Dunno why really. Maybe we can trace it back to his retirement last fall. Maybe he wants to retire from singing too. There's other factors no doubt, but with his almost invisible participation in the shooting of this video, the viewer may find that the experience suffers. Not so much for the lack of scenes with Harry singing - as for the lack of ANYBODY singing. The song cries out for a 'host' to guide us through the lyrics and push the storyline forward.
Oh well. No big deal. Just another project to fill a retired summer afternoon is how I see's it. Better efforts to come.
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