It was kinda big at the time. As in big deal. Jonny was a'flyin over from England t'visit all of us local yokel types. That's a long flight. I'll bet his arms were tired. This all happened back in the summer of 1988, but thanks to the magic of decaying VHS tape, we can all relive those long boring moments of waiting around in the airport for him to arrive over and over again.

Look - that's Jon's brother Phil standing next to his soon to be wife Shelina. That's why Jon was making the trip over here - to attend their wedding. And that's my galfriend at the time (Linda) snapping a photo or two and adding just the right amount of charm and Canadian humour for such a tense and monumental occasion.
Battery power being what it was back in the mid '80s for VHS cameras, I was unable to shoot both the waiting around for, AND the actual arrival of, Jon from England. But not to fret - after 3 weeks of recharging the battery, I managed to capture a few minutes of Jon saying goodbye on VHS tape during his final hours in our city. That's where the moving flowers come in.
Wow! That's a timely reminder that twenty two years just flies by!
Yup. It all happened 22 years ago last month. And 22 years FROM NOW, we'll both be pushing 80 years old, my flower moving friend. That's if we're still around pushing anything in 2032.
Hmm... by 2032 we might both be flower movers. As in pushing up daisies.
It's funny cuz it's true. :o)
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