Sunday, September 16, 2007

Scenes For Sunday: The Mystery of The Pyramids!

In the days before hobbies were invented, my friends and I were often reduced to filling in the plentiful leisure hours of our misspent youth with whatever impulsive thoughts might enter our heads. Forming human pyramids in the basement had probably only crossed our collective minds once if ever; but once was enough to initiate the snapping of this '6 Stooges' photo back in the mid 1970s.

Four of these people have completely vanished into the fog of time. They might continue to exist somewhere on some level, and may even still be found alive on the globe; but I personally haven't seen them in over 3 decades. Only Dan ("Ooo - that feels good") has managed to remain within easy shouting distance over the same time period. And thats only because we're on the same softball team each summer. Therefore, before my brain cells have completely eroded, I should attempt to list the names of these forgotten human pyramid pieces starting at the uppermost point. Diane, Doug, Chris, myself, Dan and Paul.

Comical word-balloon stickers from a current (at the time) Mad Magazine were employed within this image to add further hilarity. A few short weeks after partaking in this aimless tomfoolery, neighborhood cameras would begin rolling on the first of many epic homemade Hollywood-ish super 8 movies; finally giving purpose and structure to some of the people seen in this picture; and putting a quick & speedy end to the short lived fad of pyramid building.

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