Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Connections -

Oh it's all connected in the long run, lemme tells ya.

Laine (pictured above) is the sister of Bartholomew Woods, who as we all know is a dedicated blogger himself with a very popular blog over on the far side of town. I believe his blog covers the topic of 'string' in great detail; the various lengths of string one can find while out walking.

But more about Laine. Oft times in the mid 70s, Laine would be employed by MY sister Fran (see the connections) to babysit 4-year old Tracy, who at the time, was Fran's daughter and my niece - and remains as such today - altho she's married now and has her own small daughter and she lives out of state. Otherwise she's exactly the same. A snapshot (snapped by Laine) of myself with the childlike Tracy can be seen in picture form in the space below.

As far as I'm aware, the video you're about to see contains the only footage in existence of Laine in the act of babysitting during the few short years she provided that fine service for my sister.

However, before we watch any of that, we must watch any of this: a few random clips of life in the 70s (including Billy eating ice cream and Darcy at the beach); footage originally left on the editing room floor for some reason. And watch for George as he goes to extreme lengths so as not to be accused of smoking his pipe in a no smoking area. Priceless.

And of course, Little Al makes his regular appearance.

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