Saturday, March 1, 2008

Street Wise

Another look back (via video) on our 'street of dreams' from the 1970s. Which means another lazy blog entry for me. This video features more of the same people from the previous videos (they're all kinda redundant). These are the people that made up the bulk of what a typical afternoon around the old homestead was really like.

Fellow blogger Bartholomew Woods points out, and quite rightly, that 'Little Al' seems to be appearing in these vintage super 8 films far too often; as if he considered himself a paid up member of the exclusive Blazers club. The simple fact was... the little scamp was ALWAYS hanging around. There was no avoiding him.

You'll see Alan here again in a few more scenes. He's like Zelig for crying out loud. If we were to go back to the neighborhood today, 30 years later, to search for him, I'm pretty sure we'd find him, probably looking much the same as he does here on screen, still hanging around the block, riding his bike on the sidewalk or playing hockey with a broken stick.

Didn't the Twilight Zone have an episode or two along these same lines?

At the tail end of this film, Bartholomew and Dan can be seen strolling thru downtown Seattle and visiting the Space Needle - which none of us can actually remember doing. Bart & I had left the safety of our home turf that weekend in order to partake in the 26 mile Seattle Marathon, an ordeal we both managed to finish on a cold and rainy November day. Dan was merely along to drive us home afterwards.


Anonymous said...

The Space Needle footage must have be taken during our "Seattle Marathon" trip - November 1980. Am I right?

I really don't remember making our way to the top of the Needle. What else have I forgotten?

Midhrifs said...

You've also probably forgotten that we stopped in Bellingham on the drive home that day, haven't you?

I recall having a craving for chocolate after running that marathon.

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