Saturday, August 23, 2008

Still Photos - Retarded Cousin Of The Movies

When did I ever find the time to snap all these old still pictures? I thought I was far more into the movie making schtick back in the 70s.

I've got miles and miles of super 8 film stored in canisters that are stored in big boxes that are stored in the storage room where they reach for the ceiling - and yet I also continue to bump into a never ending supply of photo albums that are filled to the brim with images that were obviously captured during the same time period (1972-78) using one of the three still cameras I had in my possession back then.

Fast forward to the modern day. While I might use my new digital camera to snap the occasional digital photograph every now and then, I'm nowhere NEAR to matching the totals that were reached by my younger self using my younger cameras with old fashioned Kodachrome. And that's a good thing I guess. Better to capture the good old days of my youth than to capture the weary 'old man' days of the present.

So that's our plot for tonight's show, kids. Yet another salute to the past. But this time, we'll be viewing results from the super 8 movie camera's slightly retarded cousin; the Brownie box still camera.

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