Yup. Best be tidying the place up for the brand new year wots a'comin, cuz it's a'comin whether I likes it 'er not. It just don't take no for an answer, it don't. But apparently even 2007 won't be hanging around long if the trend continues. Shore nuff, this time next year, we'll just be going thru the EXACT same kafuffle all over again. More pots, more bangin'. That'll make it 2008! Gadzooks. You're probably already aware of my feelings on the subject of time - and the rapid passing by us thereof - no need for me to flog that carcass again on this page.
Might as well try to start things off on the right ankle. That should be the game plan anyway. Stop writing 2006 on everything for a kickoff. Bit of a nuisance, that. Gotta throw out the old calendar with the garbage. (Might've bin better to have bought the one with palm trees instead - get it?)
Heck, wasn't it 1977 just a few years ago? Say it ain't so Joe. Thirty years have gone by like so many southbound Greyhound buses on the I-5 highway. That would mean the little gal up at the lake has probably dun moved away plenty o' Greyhound buses ago too. No use goin' back to try and find her there now.