Saturday, December 30, 2006

Studio Session

Bit of a struggle today for my lead vocalist Harry. At least in the early stages of a 4-hour recording session here at massive Riffle Studios. It was a case of missed downbeats and false starts. Plenty of do-overs. Seemed to take Harry longer than usual to 'git his gear going' for some reason, but eventually he managed to 'nail' two of the three songs we'd planned to finish up before the dinnerbell rang. And that was supposed to be the easy part.

We've arranged to have a video shot to support the first song called: 'Stuck In The Real World'. Visuals of Harry strolling the park, leaning on lamp posts, and singing the lyrics... all outdoors in public view. You get the idea. Probably over on Cambie street during rush hour. This will require Harry to learn the delicate art of lip-synchronization. Actually I'm wrong, he HAS done that job before; on a song called 'The Mailman Ditty' (which is currently playing to sold-out showings on Youtube) but this new challenge may be too much for him. He'll certainly have to do his homework to pass this test. If he succeeds, we'll hoist the thing up onto Youtube alongside the 'Mailman' song.

And Steve (if you're listening) there's about a dozen tracks here that need your sensible guitar work pronto like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard from a reliable source that the band is getting back together.

Any truth to this rumour?

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