Friday, December 29, 2006

The Health Benefits Of Ukulele Playing

Recently, I met up with a couple o'friends at a nearby pub/cafe. I picked that particular place to meet because I'd been given warning earlier in the week by an old 'animation-class buddy' of mine (Jason be his name) that he himself (Jason) would be in attendance playing the ukulele. (The yu-kaa-laylee).

Oh, he wasn't gonna be strumming the pint-sized thing all by his lonesome, no sir. When we got there, the establishment was filled to the brim with MANY ukulele players in all shapes & sizes. Close to 40 or so. Each proudly resting their own personal ukulele against their chests. In fact it was a ukulele club meeting is what it was. Seems they hold these stirring musical events every second Tuesday of each month. And normal NON-ukulele-playing folks like me & you are quite welcome (in fact encouraged) to drop in and watch the show from the safety of our dinner tables.

So we dun did that. And it t'was a hoot and a half to be sure. The walls were alive with the sound of ukulele music. I managed to snap this picture of the Jas-man & his cohort Tom (you may recognize them both from the TV show 'Robson Arms') during the half-time break. It's obvious from the enormous smiles on their faces that ukulele music may have certain health benefits. Probably raises anti-oxidants in the body. Makes you wanna smile like Buck Owens on Hee-Haw. Sorta like eating dark chocolate every now and then, but without the calories.

And no (because I know you'll ask) 'Tip Toe Thru The Tulips' was NOT on the evening's playlist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did they play 'Tip Toe Thru The Tulips'?

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