I met the newest member of the extended family, Breanna. First child of niece, Tracy. I'm now officially the 'great' uncle. Cute kid this one. In the picture, she's offering handfuls of yogurt to anyone interested.

Our softball team had one of those ultra-rare championship seasons. The massive trophy for which, currently sits safely here on my kitchen table. I eat my corn flakes out of it each morning.

A friendly visit from the friendly Australian. Don & I grew up on the same street - back in the good ol'days of midnight outdoor ping/pong games; rival super-8 movie studios; and basement table-hockey teams. Quarterback of the Block Blazers, he wuz. Brisbane's just too far away, mister Zambezi Bioscope.

... and, as usual, it was another rewarding year of communication betwixt me & the ex-Tupper classmate, Jon. While yes; we've finally stopped recording old fashioned cassette tapes to each other (after 30 years) we still keep a constant stream of emails and CDs and DVDs flying across the Atlantic. Ya' never plan these long-term friendships, they just sorta happen.

Congratulations on updating this Blog on a daily basis for nearly a week, owning an Apple Mac and surviving Christmas!
Now you don't often see the word "betwixt" bandied about much these days or "kafuffle." You doing evening classes again?
Happy New Year!
'Bandied'! Can I borrow that one?
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