I still don't know what the text on this large banner is trying to tell us (I see the number TEN up there) but the poster was sent over to me by the publishers of the Japanese magazine 'Comic Morning' as a visual acknowledgement of any and all cartoon characters that have appeared between their covers over the years. Apparently, we're all one big happy extended family - at least for this group photo. I see the title of my strip in the lower listings, just above the word DATA. And as for my scribbled inkwork, it can easily be found in the bottom row of faces - just before you drop off the page in the right-hand corner. Go ahead, click on it to expand. I'll wait.
What I found odd about this presentation, was that in ALL the hundreds of comic panels I drew for their magazine over the years, "Jack" (my character) was always drawn wearing a black tie. It was just a regular part of his daily outfit; not unlike Charlie Brown's sweater with the jagged line. I even had Jack playing softball wearing a tie.
But here's Jack today wearing a T-shirt and sportscoat. Okay, yes, I DO remember submitting that ONE particular episode for the run of the series, but he never went tie-less before or after. Point is... if the character's schtick is to be always seen wearing the same clothes (or tie) then shouldn't he/she be represented in that manner for any long-lasting nostalgic salute like this one? Or am I wrong with that thought?
Bottom line, it doesn't really matter that they decided to commemorate the one-and-only time Jack was 'out of uniform'. I'm touched and tickled that they included my hastily-scribbled pen marks AT ALL in their official 'stable' of published cartoon characters. Still; it makes me wonder... what... could have... been... (cue dreamy music and 'ripple-fade' to black.)

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