Last night I met up with a few of the elite players from the VETERANS softball team down at the 'Elephant Walk' pub. It's currently the off-season don'tcha know; dark wet and cold - no better time to talk about softball & summer. But there was also some pressing off-field bid'niz we had to discuss.
This get together was our first chance to have any pictures taken (thanks employee Pam) showing each of us taking a turn at hoisting the championship trophy HIGH OVER OUR HEADS that we won last summer (we opted for gathering around it - it's too heavy) and to pass out the new zippy baseball hats that we also received from the league office. (Zippy = sharp.)
But more important; ever since the Eldorado Lounge closed permanantly at the end of last season, we have become a team without an official 'after game retreat'. A place for faded softball stars like us to relax and relive our glory days in long-winded pointless monologues offered up for anyone in earshot. Every team needs a post-game hangout. So after 15 years at the Eldorado, the search began last night for a NEW team pub (the 'Elephant' was deemed too loud) in hopes that by next season - win or lose - we'll again have somewhere to sit around in our sweaty uniforms discussing exactly what went right or wrong in that particular night's thrilling dust-filled softball tilt.
Her actual name was Pam, not Thelma.
I only know this because her name appeared on the receipt.
Nicely written.
Thanks for the missing detail. I have now made the correction. Pam will be pleased.
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