Part of the joy in visiting Riffle Studios - or so I've been led to believe by the vast majority - is undergoing the official taking of the ID photo; a formality I've insisted upon since becoming head of operations here at Riffle Globular sometime in mid-2006.
The photo is snapped mere moments after the guest has entered the facility and is intended to serve as a happy keepsake; to celebrate the precious first few minutes in our carefully pre-arranged time period.

The Photo Booth function of my iMac performs this clever manuever in a matter of seconds - allowing each guest an opportunity to come to grips with their inner apprehension regarding the enormity of the Riffle experience they find themselves in, while at the same time, completing a fun and simple exercise together. It's clearly an attempt to dispose of any minor discomforts they may be having with the truely imposing surroundings - so they might then concentrate more fully on ONLY those matters related to their arrival at my door.

To put them even more at ease, I will often join in with the official picture taking procedure - which the guest will tend to view as a friendly form of bonding - further eroding any walls that may have been imagined between us. There is certainly no intention here at Riffle Studios to intimidate or stifle the creative instincts of our visiting artists. Quite the opposite is true in fact.

That said, however, those persons that refuse to accept the ID photo demand are severely punished and swiftly ushered off the property. Heck, nobody said you always had to be nice and polite to your guests.
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