We begin today's episode with 3 vintage clips from the early 1960s featuring our local playground, Little Mountain. These clips represent just a tiny spoonful of what I've managed to transfer of my Uncle Bill's collection of old regular 8 film reels onto DVD. More to come in the months ahead from that source I'm sure.

Otherwise, the highlight moment in this video, is watching Don and Paul during a golf game - again up Little Mountain - in which Don almost sinks a long 'hole in one' from the 7th tee. What concerns me about this scene though, is that I can find no further footage from that day of golfing. On a previous blog entry, we watched as Paul drained a short putt on the 6th green during what must have been the same afternoon - but it doesn't seem possible to me that I would only capture those two tidbits in what must have been a full 18 hole game. Where's the footage from the other 16 holes, is what I'd like to know.
Don could not have made such a great shot like the one shown here.
I'd like to challenge him to a round of golf. Oops! Too late!
I used up my allotted visitation time when he was here a few weeks ago.
Sad but true. Don's busy schedule only allowed the one brief and hurried get together with his old Blazer teammates last month.
It's possible that this is how he would have preferred it anyway. Or don't you ever wonder why he left here in the first place?
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