And now for something totally unexpected. A short experiment in video taping from the year 1983 with the actual matching audio elements included. At the time, it wasn't important to me exactly what was being recorded on camera (and microphone). It was more the thrill of receiving those results IMMEDIATELY that caught my fancy. No processing at the Kodak plant in North Vancouver would ever be required again.

In my new found enthusiasm, I suppose a critical eye for 'quality input' was less than what it should have been. This early entry (below) in my now massive homemade video tape library, is a good example of how new electronic toys can lead to pointless overuse and to the creation of painfully unfunny moments that seem to last forever.
I guess I will be seeing Dug later tonight.
Should I wear my nose?
Hey! That guy with the unbrella hat. He looks a little 'under the weather', wouldn't you say?
That Umbrella-Hat fellow is so damn funny!
What a great sense of humour.
He should have his own TV show.
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