I should probably plan these videos out a bit better. Maybe pick a theme or a topic and then stick with it completely before moving on to the next one. For the most part, this latest video (actually it's super 8 film) covers a two week period in June 1979 when good buddy Jonny came flying across from England for a look/see with his wife Maureen. But sure enough, as we watch the final product here, we find that a number of unrelated scenes from other time periods have polluted the presentation; including scenes we've already had to suffer thru at earlier points on this blog. Wassup with that?

There's a lot more footage of street hockey in the parking lot of the Ferry terminal if you're interested, but that would require a full blog post of its own someday and trust me, it can get old pretty fast. A small taste of the action is all you really need and it's all I've supplied here. There was also a full production of Billy meeting the British tourists at the airport upon their arrival, but again, it's dull to the max and only a small portion of that is included here. Gives you the jist of it anyway.
The mystery girl near the end is Heather. Watch for a car with an upside down license plate. Try and spot the old fashioned police cruiser from a bygone era. This collection of snippets is the work of at least four different people operating the camera. Bill, Jon, Maureen and myself. Chris was only pretending to shoot film during his little scene. What a kidder.
I noticed that you squeezed in a snippet of Cult Lake.
Pardon me, I meant Gun Lake.
Nope. No Gun Lake in these clips. That tiny scene with Dug on the water was taken in Coal Harbour. Some paddle-wheeler tourist boat that we all sailed around on.
More of that on a later posting.
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