Thursday, January 15, 2009

Get Lost!

Here's a stupid movie if ever there was one. This is from the 'no plot/no idea/no purpose' school of filmmaking and is a good example of the results you should expect when working on pure impulse and zero inspiration.

When I joined four members of 'THE GANG' for a little Sunday hike around Alice Lake back in the Spring of '75, I had no intention of using the location to make another dramatic movie. I had grabbed my camera and two rolls of super 8 film that morning with no ambitions other than to be a tourist in search of scenic views. However, I very quickly ditched that plan due to boredom and decided instead to force some semblance of a 3 act mini play into the mix; creating suspense and tension; joy and sorrow; albeit with an unenthusiastic cast.

An interesting side note here is that, while everyone involved in this movie/hike seemed to be snapping their own still pictures at every opportunity (except maybe Doug) I have still never, in the almost 35 years since, seen a single snapshot from any of them from that day. I would certainly have used any decent images of theirs (if they even exist) to accompany this otherwise dull blog submission, but all I can offer up is the movie footage, in the guise of a drama, obtained by my Nikon R10 during the course of that lakeside stroll.

The ending of this otherwise forgettable cinematic offering, if you can call it an ending, is still one of the most widely discussed and over analyzed 12 seconds in home movie making history, and even today newcomers to this film, intent on trying to understand it, are stumped into an open mouthed silence.


Anonymous said...

Who's the guy playing Gilligan in this movie? Looks familiar.

A great shot of the Doug's Gremlin! This was a time in my life that I thought it was a cool looking car. What was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

We were all under the same assumption, Bart...whatever were we thinking.
Interesting trivia:
Paul almost passed out from the exhausdt fumes while riding the back of the car from Alice Lake to Vancouver.
The strange hopping by Doug wasn't an acting affectation. I had sprained my ankle at the West's playing basketball and was in severe(ish) pain. Had a pretty nasty bruise...

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