Now, if you're talking about stupid movies (as we were in our last blog entry) this stupid movie right here probably takes the cake. "IMPULSE - The True Story Of Cardboard Inserts And Their Place In Today's Modern World" (extended title). I'm not going to try and explain any of this to you. People either 'get it' or they don't, and there's no mushy middle ground here like there always was when you watched Siskel and Ebert on PBS. This movie best reflects the true spirit of our blog's title (NRP) and it's quite possible that your thoughts on cardboard inserts, and their place in society, will never be the same again.

Back in the Spring of 1975, Belkin's Packaging would pay their warehouse employees 5 dollars and 10 cents an hour to stand at a long bench and assemble these cardboard panels into the protective box lining shape which would then be used to safely separate six bottles of wine or tomato ketchup or maple syrup or whatever, for shipping/receiving/transporting across the country or around the world. I'm not sure exactly how I came to be in ownership of these otherwise useless (or so it seemed) panels of corrugated cardboard - each with either two or three 'slices' needed for interlocking stability - but ownership of them I would eventually claim, and a home movie with them I would eventually make.
Did the Bunny Bus pick up these boys after their fun day at the park?
I have NO memory of this one what so ever...
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