A bit of a hurried effort with this one. We've just been informed here at the NRP offices, that unless we upload a post (ANY post) to "the blog" in the next few hours, we will leave the poor month of October in the record books as having hosted only two productions - representing the entire 31 days available for content uploading. Nope; can't have that.

So, when an emergency situation like this crops up (with no 'action videos' currently ready for prime time blogging) it's an 'easy out' for me to just toss a few old photos into a pile and string 'em all together. Not forgetting to add a folksy background tune into the mix. The viewer doesn't really care (each of the 1.5 viewers per day) so he/she/it is fine with whatever starts playing. But don't go thinking it's the same satisfying experience as with the 'moving picture' shows. That ain't possible. These old still pictures just don't have the same return visit value of the jittery kind.
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