This just in. An extremely rare and up to the minute eyewitness news report direct from the field.
The NRP blog has obtained (at great cost) rare video footage that - despite the fact that it is not of super 8 film stock nor of classic 1970s vintage - might still be considered mildly interesting for some of our long time followers to view. But hey, we could be wrong about that.

And not to worry! Following this brief 'one off' interruption from the cold, dark, and unfriendly world of the present, we will certainly, and with all due dispatch, return ourselves swiftly back to the regularly scheduled programming that is more consistent with the theme of this bloggerama. Namely, the long lost post... err... past.
Your co-workers seem to a fun bunch.
Congratulations! You finally did it!
Nov. 27, 2009 - a date which will live in infamy.
. . . as in infamy, infamy, they've got it infamy? Or was there a negative and shameful aspect to the date?
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