Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mr. Clean Comes To Town

Some of the scenes in our video today have already been offered up for viewing on the old Youtube site (which I rarely use anymore). But at the time of that first uploading, they had not yet been treated to the classy DVD transfer process so popular with the youth of today. It's a painful process, but these films knew they were doomed to live a diminished life without submitting to it.

Much brighter and clearer are these newly transferred super 8 film fragments. Close ups are now much more 'close uppier' and the backgrounds seem to come alive with newly found strength and vigor. It's as if Mr. Clean himself has made a visit to our little corner of the world.

There's a bit of everybody in this reel. Bart, Dan, Hanklin, Bill, Theresa, Jon, Maureen, Tracy, Kevin, Fran, Mike, George, Paul, Rob, Doug, another George, Kim, Fred and even the cameraman Eddy. Did I forget to mention 'Big Al'?


Anonymous said...

Interesting musical soundtrack. Works well with the edit. Any chance you could divulge the title and artist? (I know you like to keep a certain amount of mystique about these things, but it's only me you'd be telling!) :0)

Midhrifs said...

I'll assume that you're asking about the longest running of the three musical selections found in this video. That particular piece is called 'Island Hop' by Jeremy Sherman.

We hope that we have been of some useful service for our dear viewer from Bodmin.

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