Monday, April 5, 2010

Variety Pack O' Memories

More of those oddly familiar faces from the past. More of those names that have been blown into the foggy mountains of forgetfulness. I'm not sure I can explain what we're about to see in this episode; I barely remember filming any of it. Nothing predates 1984 is all I'm sure of. Well maybe one scene is from 1983; but who can be sure.

And yes; normally I would keep my camera (and myself) stationed in one place long enough to capture a full and comprehensive record of whatever individual event I was attending. But after watching some of these scattered and mixed up moments from more than a dozen different locations, it's easy to conclude that perhaps I only filmed a few short seconds from each outing before wrapping things up and moving on to the next setting. But you'd be wrong with that conclusion.

I kinda like this variety-pack style of reporting. It also serves to indicate to our viewers just how much recorded nonsense we still have to endure in our future blog entries.

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