We made use of a sunny day in Kerrisdale this week to shoot a quick 'rock star' type music video - for eventual placement up on Youtube don'tcha know. (Well now you do.) This is our first effort in this style since the 'Postman' ditty back in 1989. And once again it was a bit of a challenge for me to link up the singing portions of the song (handled with casual grace by lead singer Harry) precisely with the strolling image he and his face insisted on maintaining.
As mentioned, this was far from a serious effort (I should try being serious someday) so when we reached any point in the tune where we figured it was a 'close enuff' match with the opening & closing of his mouth mechanics, we simply gave up & moved on to the next verse and location. Harry had a small cassette tape deck hidden in the sleeve of his massive sweater in order to hear the song playing and to stay in beat.

We were able to wrap everything up in just over an hour; for a song that lasts about 2 minutes. But look - already the nasty thing has made it's debut (in colour) on the Youtube site. Sigh; as usual, Youtube tends to dummy-down image quality to the point where it might be best not to bother uploading in the first place.